Great White Shark returned to the Florida Keys

The movie “Jaws” was released in 1975 and the great white shark became known as a lethal killer. Although the great wehites certainly are capable of killing, they are actually fairly docile animals. Most great white sightings show them as swimming around by themselves only killing fish and sea life that they intend to eat. One well known great white shark that researchers have named Unami’ki is a 15 foot 2,076 pound shark has visited the Florida Keys in the winters just like a tourist.

Unami’ki made her “Snowbird” appearance off Key Largo. She was “pinged”about 3 miles offshore on Thursday morning. Her visit cost a lot of excitement among nature lovers in shark enthusiasts. 

The nonprofit shark research group Ocearch fitted Unami’ki with an electronic tracking device in September of 2019. Scientists from the nonprofit have confirmed that she was indeed visiting Florida. She was recently seen northeast of  the Bahamas about a week ago and was pinged off Vero Beach last Sunday. Scientists pinged her off of Nova Scotia in August. This shows just how far the Great White sharks will travel in a short period of time.

Similar to what she did last year, scientists expect she will circle the Florida keys and move into the Gulf of Mexico.

Ocerch is tracking Unami’ki, whose name means “Land of the fog” in the language indigenous people of Nova Scotia, along with two other large great whites in hopes of learning where the sharks give birth and exposing a new great white shark nursery.

Unama’ki It’s one of the largest great white sharks ever tracked by, Ocerch, only seconds to a 16 foot female tagged in 2016. There is no need for a residents or tourists of the Florida Keys to be concerned about this great white shark. She has never been cited closer than 2 miles to the shoreline and there is no record of her harming any humans. 

Gary McAdams, PA

Key West, Florida
Realtor, Notary Public 
Barbara A. Anderson Realty 
Serving Key West and the Florida Keys

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