Florida Keys (Monroe County) COVID Rules and Policies keeping us all safe

Monroe County, being a tourist destination has very strong COVID rules. We have people flying in and out every day. If you are planning a vacation to the Florida Keys, are open and are taking every precaution to protect our visitors and residents from COVID.

There is a strictly enforced mask law in the Keys and law enforcement and code compliance officers are out there making sure it is followed. The  ordinance requires operators and employees of business establishments to ensure customers comply within the establishment. A face covering MUST cover the nose and mouth and may include a face mask, homemade mask, or other cloth, silk, or linen covering, such as a scarf, bandana, handkerchief, or other similar cloth covering.

The facial covering ordinance applies throughout Monroe County and the municipalities, but the municipalities may impose different protective measures.

Any business establishment prosecuted under this subsection and found in violation of this ordinance may be punished by a fine of up to $500. Code officers can also issue an administrative notice of violation with fines of up to $1,000 for a first offense and $5,000 for a repeat offense. Each day a violation of this ordinance occurs is considered a separate offense.


  • Restaurant or bar customers while dining while seated at a table and consuming food and/or beverages.
  • A gym patron engaged in a workout or class where at least 6 feet of distancing exists with the next closest patron. 
  • Barbershop or beauty salon customers or patrons when wearing a face covering would reasonably interfere with receiving services.
  • Business owners, managers, and employees who are in an area of a business establishment that is not open to customers, patrons, or the public, provided that 6 feet of distance exist between employees. This exception does not apply to employees who are present in the kitchen or other food and beverage preparation area of a restaurant or food establishment.  When an owner, manager, or employee is in their place of employment but not within six feet of another person, that owner, manager, or employee does not need to wear a mask.
  • A lodging establishment guest when inside of the lodging unit.
  • The owner, operator, manager, and employee of a business or lodging establishment shall ensure that every individual in that establishment complies with this section.

Florida Keys Coronavirus Cases

January 26 Update: This will only be updated Monday through Friday.

There are 15 new cases today in Monroe County, including 8 more in Key West; 2 more in each Marathon, Tavernier & Summerland Key; and 1 more in each Non-Residents & Cudjoe Key. One case has been recategorized from Big Pine Key.

  • Monroe County: 5,199 total cases
  • Non-residents: 265
A majority of the infections are community-acquired. It is critical to wear a mask, avoid crowds, social distance, and wash your hands frequently.

  • Key West: 2,604
  • Key Largo: 746
  • Tavernier: 350
  • Marathon: 575
  • Islamorada: 156
  • Big Pine Key: 107
  • Summerland Key: 142
  • Cudjoe Key: 46
  • Sugarloaf: 21
  • Stock Island: 62
  • Key Colony Beach: 34
  • Long Key: 22
  • Little Torch: 18
  • Big Torch: 1
  • Rockland Key: 3
  • Duck Key: 6
  • Ramrod Key: 10
  • Missing Cities: 24
  • Homeless: 1
  • Plantation Key: 2
  • Conch Key: 3
  • Cross Key: 2
  • Monroe County Deaths, reported by the State: 39

Current Hospitalizations

(does not take into account those hospitalized outside of Monroe County)

  • Lower Keys Medical: 3
  • Fisherman's and Mariners (Baptist): 6

Hospital capacity changes based on current patients and staffing. This is a very fluid situation and the figures can change throughout the day based on patient admissions and discharges. The presented numbers only show a snapshot of a single moment in time in a dynamic situation. Both Baptist and Lower Keys Medical are currently in the green, meaning they have enough supplies, staffing, and resources for the next 7 days or longer. When they go to yellow, it means they have fewer than 7 days, and red is for fewer than 3 days. Emergency Management is monitoring their needs on an ongoing basis.

The hospitals are currently managing the care of COVID-19 patients in care spaces at the hospitals that be expanded or contracted as needed. To date, neither hospital entity has had expand the spaces, but it is available if necessary. In the event of a significant surge of cases in our community, the hospitals and Emergency Management would work collaboratively with state health officials to identify other resources to provide care for those who need it. 

Total Cases By Month (Approximate)

  • March: 33 new cases
  • April: 46 new cases
  • May: 29 new cases
  • June: 151 new cases
  • July: 1,041 new cases
  • August: 434 new cases
  • September: 124 new cases 
  • October: 443 new cases
  • November 1,044 new cases
  • December 805 new cases
  • January 1-27 15 new cases

Current case information can be found at https://floridahealthcovid19.gov. On the dashboard, look under “See the Report” for detailed information by county, including testing numbers and geographic locations or “See dashboard” for summaries by county.

The Florida Dept of Health officially confirms new cases. Cases are a total count of all laboratory-confirmed cases. This number does not represent the current number of COVID-19 positive persons. At this time, the FDOH is unable to determine the number of recoveries from COVID-19. Those who do recover from the virus may have additional unknown health effects. Monroe County posts this Florida Department of Health information as a courtesy to inform residents.

Please continue to come visit our beautiful Florida Keys. We are open, we are safe and we are taking the COVID virus very seriously. You can still have fun and be safe. Enjoy!!!


Gary McAdams, PA                                                                                                                          Realtor and Notary Public
Barbara Anderson Realty
Key West, Florida 

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